Monographic Section: Paul Ricœur Pacifist. From the Social Christianity of «Terre Nouvelle» to the Ethics of Politics


  • Fabrizia Abbate
  • Carlo Felice Casula


Edited by Fabrizia Abbate and Carlo F. Casula

  • Olivier Abel, Preface. Ethics between the regime of the I and the regime of the We. From epic theology to politics.
  • Fabrizia Abbate, Introduction. Paul Ricœur: the revolutionary dies, the pacifist is reborn, always a Christian.
  • Carlo Felice Casula, The Chrétiens Révolutionnaires of «Terre Nouvelle» in the temperament of the Popular Front and the Church of Pius XI
  • Dries Deweer, Ricœur’s Influence in and from the Post-War Debate on Christian and Personalist Socialism
  • Vinicio Busacchi, The young Ricœur and the birth of the spirit of militancy
  • George H. Taylor, Paul Ricœur and the Social Imaginary. The Instituting and the Instituted
  • Annalisa Caputo, Crisis of Democracy? On the social prophetism of the young Ricœur
  • Richard Rosengarten, Paul Ricœur, the Cycle of Myths at the Heart of the Reflective Public Square



How to Cite

Abbate, Fabrizia, and Carlo Felice Casula. “Monographic Section: Paul Ricœur Pacifist. From the Social Christianity of «Terre Nouvelle» to the Ethics of Politics”. Acta Philosophica 32, no. 2 (September 7, 2023): 233–346. Accessed February 3, 2025.



Monographic section