God and the question of being in Heidegger


  • Luis Romera Ateneo Romano della Santa Croce




The problem of God is profoundly present in Heidegger’s thought. It has been the object of frequent discussion in the attempt to determine both the modality of Heidegger’s God and the attitude of thought that according to Heidegger is capable of peceiving God’s gesture. The question of God is developed in four moments: the analysis of the absence of God in our age, the lack of God as fruit of onto-theology, the thought of being as the first stage towards the sacred, towards the divinity, and therefore towards God, and the final result of Heidegger’s thought (regarding God). This study concludes with a question regarding the ambiguity or problematic of a transcendent God in Heidegger’s thought.



How to Cite

Romera, Luis. “God and the Question of Being in Heidegger”. Acta Philosophica 3, no. 2 (September 30, 1994): 287–313. Accessed March 10, 2025. https://www.actaphilosophica.it/article/view/4280.



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