L’Un sans l’être : métaphysique, méontologie et infinité chez Nicolas de Cues
https://doi.org/10.19272/202200701003Parole chiave:
Nicholas of Cusa, Parmenides, Eckhart, Hegel, One, Being, Infinite, WholeAbstract
Nicholas of Cusa’ thought unfolds a philosophy of the One by drawing extreme consequences from it. The first and most important consequence is that the One is not. The One is everything in everything. It follows that the status of the universe is that of the One without being. Multiplicity is not a division of the One, indivisible in itself, but its repetition in the form of reflections of the One without being.
Come citare
Pasqua, Hervé. «L’Un Sans l’être : Métaphysique, méontologie Et Infinité Chez Nicolas De Cues». Acta Philosophica 31, no. 1 (marzo 1, 2022): 33–46. Consultato novembre 24, 2024. https://www.actaphilosophica.it/article/view/3571.
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