Radicalidad de la condición sexuada
Parole chiave:
Sexed condition, Personal identity, Spousal character, Fecundity, Transversality, RadicalityAbstract
The current debate around gender and personal identity highlights the lack of a reflection on sexual difference within a systematic context. After enumerating the difficulties to overcome, peculiarities of the human condition that explain the radicality of both concepts are emphasized. Finally a possible ontological status for the same as a difference in the person is set out.
Come citare
Castilla, Blanca. «Radicalidad De La condición Sexuada». Acta Philosophica 25, no. 2 (settembre 30, 2016): 207–228. Consultato dicembre 21, 2024. https://www.actaphilosophica.it/article/view/3785.
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